
This website is primarily for images of Upper Rissington, Gloucestershire, with little or no narrative. The intention is to show how land use and buildings change over time. If you wish to see pictures of your own property, I highly recommend Google Earth and Street View.

What is noticeable in 2023 is the lack of maintenance on the older part of the village while the emphasis appears to be on the newer section (known as Victory Fields) by Upper Rissington Parish Council.

URPC, have a fund of £330,000 which is available to improve the sections of the village it owns, such as perimeter hedges, trees and grass.

Finally, I will group pictures into RAF sections as more images are uploaded.

NB: I have Images from 2012-2018 to upload. I won’t upload them all – just a selection over a few weeks. I also need current pictures of the village and the alleged lack of maintenance (more out of curiosity than anything). Buildings such as the Officers mess, Building 10, is now known as Lutyens Court (which I will amend later).

14 August 2023